Wacom Driver Tablet Not Found

The most likely reason the Wacom Tablet Driver isn’t working might be because of driver issue. The more affordable tablets use the external screen, the costlier ones have it built-in. The more affordable tablets use the external screen, the costlier ones have it built-in. Wacom tablet driver not found - what do So, you put your Windows computer to sleep for the night. You come back the next day all eager to wake it up and put it right to work on that thing you’ve been working on. 2) Uninstall your Wacom tablet driver. 2-1) Right-click on the Start button and click Device Manager. 2-2) Find and expand Human Interface Devices.Then right-click on your Wacom tablet driver to choose Uninstall device. 3) Download and install the latest Wacom tablet driver. Wacom produces high-end graphics tablets and other accessories targeting designers and people who like to be creative by using a pen to carry out their tasks on the computer.

Posted by2 years ago

You are here like so many because your Wacom Cintiq 21UX tablet is not working. I can help based on my experience.

I have an old Wacom Cintiq 21UX. I work on illustration late at night and tonight my damn Wacom tablet would not work because of the dreaded 'This Tablet not supported' error . Hasving an older tablet means legacy support from Wacom is not very good at all for this particular model.

I had to go through WACOM tech support to fix this issue and it worked perfectly. (despite uninstalling, installing, turning off or restarting Wacom tablet services, racking my brain, and putting my head through the keyboard etc. multiple times). For all my creative brothers and sisters- hopefully this helps you at the wee hours of the night when inspiration, creativity, and drive are all perfectly aligned but your %$#@ tablet will not work!

Wacom tablet driver not found windows 8


Uninstall your driver. Go to your control panel and uninstall your current Wacom driver.


Unplug your Wacom tablet from your computer. Yes- unplug the USB and DVI cable from the back of your PC. There is no other way this will work. Believe me.


With your old driver uninstalled and your Wacom tablet completely unplugged from your PC - Restart your system.


Get your updated driver for your Wacom Cintiq 21UX tablet. I had to search high and low and the Wacom Americas website does not have the legacy drivers anymore. I had to go to the Wacom Asia website- check out the Wacom Asia Pacific driver page: https://support.wacom.asia/en/tablet-drivers


Find the correct driver for your Wacom tablet from the list . IMPORTANT - Make sure the tablet is still not connected to the computer prior to installing the driver. After installing the driver - restart your system.


Once your PC is completely restarted (Give it a moment to completely restart) Plug your DVI cable and USB cable from your Wacom tablet. Your PC will recognize the tablet now.


Restart your PC. You should be able to calibrate and use your tablet without issues.

I hope this helps you. Good luck and my inspiration find you!

Active1 year ago

I have a $100 Wacom Intuos drawing tablet, and after a while, it says 'THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUND' when I try to open the Wacom Tablet Properties. The tablet still functions the same, but I just can't change the settings. Restarting works, but it takes a long time for my computer to restart, and it's a nuisance. How can I fix this without restarting, or prevent it in the first place?

EDIT 1/20/15: Sorry, I forgot to specify that I'm on Windows 7. I didn't think it mattered.

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Coleslaw ProductionsColeslaw Productions
Wacom driver tablet not found

5 Answers

Here's a simple guide I follow whenever this happens with my Wacom:

  1. Close your drawing program if you haven't already.

  2. Go to Services in the Start Menu; you can find it by typing it into the search bar. The correct one is the one with the light blue gear symbols.

  3. Once you click on it and open the list of services running, go down to the Wacom Professional Service and right click it.

  4. Click on the option that says Restart.

  5. Once the service is restarted, reopen your drawing program, and everything with your tablet should now work.

I wish I knew how to prevent this from happening, as this consistently happens every time I boot up Windows after having been in Ubuntu.

2,3683 gold badges13 silver badges21 bronze badges

How to permanently fix 'The Tablet Driver was not found':

(mine is Wacom intuos pro).

First of all,you must change the startup type of your graphic tablet,from 'Automatic' to 'Manual'.

Follow these steps:

And now, after you made these settings, all you have to do every time you start the PC (before you open any editing image software) is to open 'services', select 'Wacom professional service' and then click start.

114k27 gold badges255 silver badges285 bronze badges

Mac Wacom Tablet Not Found


What works for me is go to task manager and select 'Show processes from all users' Then end all wacom processes. Unplug the tablet then plug it back in.. voila! FINALLY! No more restarting my comp endless times trying to get the sensitivity back!

Nadine Grant Nadine Grant

I had the similar issue and downloading WacomTablet_6.3.15-2 from wacom asia site resolved the issue. Everything is working fantastic now.

Naz Hasan HudaNaz Hasan Huda

Wacom Tablet Driver Not Found Fix

The solution here worked for me after trying EVERYTHING. Th driver is non-signatured so...

Here are the commands,

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charles b carpentercharles b carpenter

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